moving together
Contact improvisation Festival in Austria

17. bis 21. Mai 2023
Seminar House Flackl south of Vienna, A-2651 Reichenau / Rax
for German please click here!
Nita Little
Ingo Rosenkranz
15.-17. May 2023

Full of joy and after years of preparation, the time has come and we are proud to present to you
Contact in Paradise the first apple – ABUNDANCE.
Abundance? Why?
Because we are organizing for you a full program with many extraordinary national and international teachers and musicians, 4 intensives in parallel every day and 24 workshops during these festival days, to enjoy this abundance together and to celebrate the dance floor together.
And to start with, among insiders very appreciated small frame before a pre-workshop by Nita Little and Ingo Rosenkranz to get in the mood.
Well? Curious now?
Yes! Our first festival: ABUNDANCE ? We love it!
We look forward to experiencing it with YOU!

What is Contact Improvisation?
(CI or Contact Impro for short) is a contemporary dance style that involves the active discovery of all the movement possibilities that two or more human bodies can perform. (Wikipedia)
In Paradise?
… idea of a place of eternal and harmonious existence. (Wikipedia)
Mythological meaning: Paradise, mythological place of happiness in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. (Wikipedia)
* And this is what the teachers and musicians say about paradise 🙂 click here!

Contact in paradise
What would it be like to create a common space, as you imagine it in your most beautiful dreams?
To spend time in a community that cultivates a warm, appreciative and honest togetherness, in a field where people treat each other with care, respect and love?
We wish…
…delightful encounters
moving dancing
healing touches
energetic experiences
Sense-full living
creative design
cuddly security
and much more…
… and what do you wish for?
Come to the CIP and experience a piece of paradise with us!
All levels – Beginners welcome!

Monday 18h to Wednesday 17h
Arrival is possible from 14h
Start with dinner 18h
Morning 1 Class
1 Class in the afternoon
Evening Jam

Kids‘ program
Children welcome!
To enable parents to attend an intensive in a relaxed manner, we plan a children’s programme for the morning.
The afternoon will be organised with parents.
Please state your name and age when registering!
Individual Single sessions
Some of the teachers offer individual single sessions, which can be arranged directly with the teachers at the festival. We have reserved a separate room for this purpose.
Information on individual sessions will be updated as it is received.
The program is subject to change without notice.
Teachers & Musicians
Intensives by: Nita Little (US), Lui Springer (AT), Ulli Wittemann (DE), Sus Palm (DE).
Marie Chabert (FR/GB), Christopher Hauff (USA/AT), Ingrid Hörlezeder (AT), Pan Jellinek (CZ/DE), Sabine Müller (AT), Ingo Rosenkranz (DE), Jyoti Rainer (AT/DE), Karin Schwarz (AT), Monika Silberbunt Schuberth (AT), Muriel Jeanne Mollet (CH), Sabine Sonnenschein (AT), Linda Maria (DE/AT), Michael Schrotter (AT), Tom Schwarz (AT), Christian Weissensteiner (AT)
Nita Little
Creative, thoughtful, heart based, skill based, our learning will be anchored in the core principles of Contact Improvisation. From the concrete to the sublime, we will stretch the reach of our dance until it lives within our every moment.

Lui Claudia Springer
CI is paradise for me. It’s an inspiring playground where i feel awake, alive, connected and pure.CI in paradise means to me that it’s a save place where i allow myself to explore beyond what i already know, to grow with friends, to learn more and more and more with lots of joy.

Ulli Wittemann
In everything I do, I look for depth and lightness, connection and joy of life. These qualities are also important to me in the spaces I open for other people, whether it is teaching or organising an event. My intention and motivation is to enable human growth as part of a network of motivated people, to live in peace and harmony with each other.

Sus Palm
Body-Mind Centering & Contact Improvisation
finding trust and connection from your center
A journey into embryology and early movement development towards Contact Improvisation. Through cell consciousness, gravity to the earth and the connection to our navel we strengthen our center, expand the experience through the different body systems to a holistic body awareness and grow from here into the world, explore new spaces of perception inside and outside. Expanding ways and possibilities in the modulation of movement and tension within ourselves and in contact with a partner.

links for more information
Festival photographer
Patrick Beelaert
You can get a taste of his work on his Flicker album.
So that you can decide for yourself how much you want to spend on the festival and/or the pre-workshop, we have come up with a date-bound price scale that allows you to take part in our offers as cheaply as possible, because by registering early you give us and the Flackl the opportunity to be able to plan better.
In short: the earlier you register and pay, the cheaper you are!
But you are always welcome to pay more! 😉
And Feel free to contact us in advance via email if you need financial support to be able to participate.
CIP FESTIVAL 17.-21.5.2023
Pre-Workshop 15.-17.5.2023
Kombi CIP + Pre-Workshop 15.-21.5.2023
Accommodation and food are extra and can be booked directly with the „Flackl“.
View location and rooms: www.flackl.at
Overview of prices: https://www.flackl.at/en/conference-prices.html
Book your room: https://www.flackl.at/en/request.html
We can only accept your registration if you arrange your accommodation at Seminarhaus Flackl on the same day.
The date of receipt of the registration fee on our account is the deadline for your registration.
The registration is valid with the transfer of the participation fee within one week. In case of cancellation before 30.04.2023, a processing fee of €30,- will be retained, thereafter the full participation fee. A substitute person can be sent.
For your protection, you can take out cancellation insurance!
Here is a link to a corresponding insurance policy, but any other is probably just as good *grin
The festival will take place at Seminarhaus Flackl, south of Vienna.
For carpooling, a link will be sent out shortly before the start of the event to all those who have registered, where you can form carpools.
The address is:
Hinterleiten 12
2651 Reichenau / Rax
The Flackl Wirt is a seminar house that has specialised in seminar business for many years and provides this expertise with a lot of heart and experience.
The motto is:
Get out of the hustle and bustle, immerse yourself in another world, think new thoughts, surrender to new influences.
-relax and be active –
in the Semmering-Rax-Schneeberg area in the Vienna Alps in Lower Austria.
The Flackl offers us freshly prepared vegetarian/vegan and organic/regional cuisine with many ingredients from our own production,
a spacious hotel area with 35 hectares of forest and meadows around the hotel, a petting zoo, a mobile climbing garden with temporary high ropes elements, an archery course, a surrounding mountain
archery course, a surrounding mountain landscape for walks, a wellness area for relaxation, a free transfer from/to the Payerbach-Reichenau railway station and much more…
We are very happy to host our festival at Flackl!

About us
We have been preparing this festival for many years and are very happy to be able to experience the adventure of a festival premiere with you.
„the adventure of a festival premiere – The first apple“ ABUNDANCE
Contact In Paradise
moving together
the first apple ABUNDANCE
Let’s create paradisiacal spaces together and experience what it means to spend time together in a mindful, loving and appreciative way.
looking forward to dancing with you!

Our wonderful, funny and fitting Contact in Paradise logo, worked out in many entertaining hours under laughter and joy with Christine Puchner. Thank you dear Christine for the great time together and for the wonderful logo!!! 🙂